10 Fruits & Vegetables That Strengthen Your Immune System

Aiming for a healthy body starts with having a healthy immune system.

The immune system plays a vital role in protecting the body from viruses and bacteria that enter the body with its defending proteins and cells. These give a degree of protection in the body against inflammation, leading to illnesses and diseases.

The immune system works wonders. Notably, if a bacterium enters the body, the immune systems keep a detailed track record of its components so that they can beat it again once it re-entered the body. That explains why the body can withstand many viruses because it has a natural way of defending it.

To boost the immune system, one has to start looking into consuming more fruits and vegetables. They have several proteins that can heal and make your system naturally stronger without the need for medications. Consuming fruits and vegetables is also a great way to boost your digestive system, thus making the body function systematically with one another.

Here are ten fruits and vegetables to try if you want to power up your immune system to its greatest capabilities.


Pineapple is one of the best sources of nutrients for the body. The immune system gets boosted with its proteolytic enzyme called bioflavonoid bromelain, which breaks down proteins. Pineapples earn credit for preventing inflammation in the body, thus opening up airways for better upper and lower respiratory circulation. The enzyme also serves as a reducer for mucus production and swelling brought by sinus conditions. Pineapples are a good option for better digestive health too.


Citruses have a whole range of fruits that serve as a great source of vitamin c, a leading nutrient to boost one’s immunity.

You may choose from oranges, lemons, mandarin, limes, and grapefruits found in many tropical areas. Citruses can be put into salads or be turned as flavoring for drinks, depending on your preference. Overall, citrus is an excellent nutritional investment for better immunity.


They say that fruits and vegetables that are colorful also carry a high degree of nutrition. Carrots are one of these. It contains carotenoids or beta carotene, a rich vitamin A precursor that is vital for immunity.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens consist of high levels of nutrients, specifically phytochemicals that protect the body from viruses, especially during the cold season. That is why leafy greens are noticeably thriving during the winter because of their natural capacities. You can save up on electricity as you do not have it put under the food processor. Just serve it fresh, and you’ll have an array of nutrients coming to your body. You can prepare these through a salad or in pesto, and you are good to go.


Papaya is another good source of nutrients for a better immune system. It is rich in vitamin c and beta-carotene that further boosts immunity to its greatest degree.

It is an excellent option to prevent illnesses such as ear infections, common colds, and flu during the cold season. Papaya also contains papain, an enzyme that helps in reducing inflammation in the body.


We all love berries, right? They are rich in Vitamin C and A and have polyphenols that further elevate the immune system’s functionality. Having berries in your yard may be a good investment for the whole family’s health.


Brassicas offer a wide range of vegetables under its family. That includes cauliflower, kale, cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and turnips. They are the primary source of detoxifying elements and have a wide phytochemical good for protection and immunity and an excellent diet investment.

Ginger and Turmeric

When we talk about immune boosters, ginger and turmeric should not be out of the list. Diet experts often give them credit for their properties that are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. They help in fighting off cellular damage in the body while protecting the body against potential illnesses. It also has antimicrobe properties that prevent one from getting sick from bacteria.

Turmeric is rich in curcumin, has a yellow color with a long list of benefits for the body. Aside from it being antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it also has detoxifying benefits. On top of this, curcumin is good for digestive health as well. Not only it boosts one’s immune system, but it also prevents cancer cell growth and other potential diseases such as bowel disease, eczema, and asthma. Moreover, curcumin is rich in manganese, zinc, B group vitamins, and iron.


Mushrooms, specifically Shitakes, are great immune boosters that you can buy fresh in the supermarket. It consists of an array of nutrients that enhances the power of the immune system. You can also plant mushrooms easily without breaking the bank or having cash loans. They are easy to grow, and it does not require too much attention.


Cooking meals may not be that savory and delicious without the might garlic as an ingredient. According to studies, if taken on a regular basis, garlic may help cut off the duration of common colds.

Eating fruits and vegetables will not be enough. Of course, this is only part and parcel of a balanced diet, consisting of eating enough healthy protein, plenty of water, sunlight, good sleep, and physical activity. Make your body a good investment, and you will surely enjoy a long and happy life!

Photo Sources:
Cover – Pixabay / Domokus
Photo #1 – Pixabay / Security
Photo #2 – Pixabay / Obodai26
Photo #3 – Pixabay / congerdesign
Photo #4 – Pixabay / NatureFriend
Photo #5 – Pixabay / Couleur
Photo #6 – Pixabay / PublicDomainPictures
Photo #7 – Instagram / 1kru_gardening
Photo #8 – Pixabay / maiaterreni
Photo #9 – Pixabay / Silviarita
Photo #10 – Pixabay / congerdesign
