6 Weight Loss Diets To Shed Those Extra Pounds

With numerous types of diets these days, choosing which one to take is getting harder over time. Some recommend eating foods with fewer calories; some hop on the keto-diet trend, while the pescatarian diet has been making noises as well. However, if you already tried these and there are only little to no changes in your weight, consider reading these other types of diets for weight loss. The degree of their effectiveness is quite impressive.

The Vegetarian Diet

This has been significantly helpful to people who have been wanting to achieve their weight goals. The vegan diet usually doesn’t count the calories because the foods involved are very low in fat. Since veggies are rich in fiber, they will also give you the feeling of being full. Aside from the total eradication of meat, you’re also not allowed to eat eggs, honey, dairy products, some forms of vitamin D3, and whey. According to Healthline, there was a reported study where people were put on an 18-week vegan diet. The outcome? Participants lost 4.2 kg more than those who chose to undergo a controlled diet. Now, doesn’t that sound like a worthy health investment?

The Paleo Diet

This next diet recommends that one should eat the way our ancestors ate. It was when electricity is not even a thing and technology is not even a known word. Although it’s inaccurate, since no one really knows the diet of the ancient people, the Paleo diet is associated with numerous health benefits. This accentuates the consumption of vegetables, lean protein, fruits, seeds, and nuts while opting not to eat dairy, processed foods, grains, and sugar.

The Dukan Diet

The Dukan diet is a low-carb, rich in protein weight loss diet divided into four phases — two weight loss and two maintenance phases. The duration of this diet depends on how many pounds or kilograms you’d like to lose. The former mainly relies on consuming high-protein meals and compulsory oat bran. The latter involves non-starchy vegetables, then some fat and carbs. Afterward, your protein intake will be reduced to a certain degree. A study claims that women who followed this diet — consuming 100 grams of protein and 1,000 calories per day for eight to ten weeks — will result in a 15 kg reduction of weight.

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is perhaps the most popular low-carb diet for weight loss. Those who suggest this diet insist that one can reduce weight by consuming fats and protein as much as you like, just avoid carb-enriched foods. How does it work? Monitoring your carbs is a must; the ceiling of your carbs per day has to be 20g, that is, for a couple of weeks. Afterward, you’ll need to reintroduce healthy carbohydrates into your diet, including fruits and vegetables, at a slow pace. Now, you know what to buy using your credit card. Compared with other diets, the Atkins diet will enhance your blood sugar, triglycerides, and several health markers.

The HCG Diet

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, a prolific hormone that peaks during the early months of pregnancy. This diet alone is so extreme that you will reportedly lose 1-2 pounds daily. Don’t worry, though. Its proponents suggest that this diet also enhances one’s metabolism and fat depletion without causing hunger. It is divided into three separate phases. First, you have to take HCG supplements. Second, consuming foods limited to 500 calories a day while still taking the HCG supplements, pellets, sprays, or drops. Lastly, stop consuming HCG and start eating in larger amounts but in a slow manner. This is quite pricey, so reserve those money loans you’ve been vying to apply for.

The Ultra-Low-Fat Diet

The Ultra-Low-Fat Diet is way stricter than the regular low-fat diet, reducing your calorie consumption from 30% to under 10% of daily calories as fat. Basically, it’s vegan but with minimal consumption of animal products. The Ultra-Low-Fat Diet has shown success for weight reduction among obese people. In an eight-week study, participants were put on a 7–14% fat diet, which resulted in a 6.7 kg or 14.8 lbs of weight loss. However, since fat has considerable importance in our bodies, problems may occur. Consider using your insurance to talk to your doctor first before participating in this trend.

Photo Sources:
Cover – Pixabay / stevepb
Photo #1 – Pixabay / Sponchia
Photo #2 – Instagram / Paleo
Photo #3 – Instagram / la_dukan_di_ele
Photo #4 – Pixabay / RitaE
Photo #5 – Instagram / sahar_getsfit
Photo #6 – Pixabay / MootikaLLC
